ROCK CLIMBING CAMP for adults, April 2020
We’re excited to have you in our spring climbing camp this year to take your first steps in the climbing world or round out the skills you’ve gained over the summer. You will discover new climbing areas, challenging routes and have new adventures to share back home. You will push past your limits and get better self-knowledge. Fear is part of the process but the key lies in finding your inner courage – so overcome your fears, gain self-confidence, enjoy nature’s splendor and discover new places!
WHEN? April 23th – 26th, 2020
WHERE? At Basarbovo and Veliko Turnovo – Bulgaria
Anybody over the age of 16, no matter their climbing experience or physical preparation. Minores may only participate with their parents’ written agreement.
The camp is suited both for those who are either climbing inside or outside on rock for the first time and those who already have some climbing experience and would like to make progress.
- Toprope climbing (rope secured above) on various routes to gain familiarity with the rock and the requisite techniques;
- Skills and techniques for climbing on rock: using handholds and footholds, employing friction, adopting coreect body positioning and balance;
- Safety maneuvers: belaying a toprope climber, setting up and taking out the toprope, rappelling, belaying a lead climber;
- Lead climbing: how to onsight or flash a route, how to work a route.
- In Basarbovo at the tent, in the immediate vicinity of the climbing cliffs. There is no camping fee. Each participant must have their own camping equipment (tent, sleeping bag, mattres).
- At Veliko Tarnovo: at the tent near the cliffs or at the pension (at your choice). The price is about 16 E / night / person at the hostel, the hostel bookings made in person and we can recommend some places in the area.
It will be made with personal cars, and those who do not have transportation will be distributed to people who have free seats and want to share the transportation costs.
- Because it has a very friendly climate, meaning spring usually comes earlier than in the rest of the country.
- Because is has a great number of easily accessible crags and a lot of routes for any climbing level (a couple of crags have been opened by our club specifically for climbing camps).
- Because of the area’s unique charm, which comes from a blend of beautiful natural landscapes, Veliko Turnovo city is a very old city, beautiful and fascinating with his old streets and houses and the food is different and very tasty and you can relax after a day’s climbing.
Early Bird fees, for enrollment by April 6th:
• 590 RON / person for those who HAVE NOT participated in previous climbing camps
• 520 RON / person for those who HAVE participated in previous climbing camps
Regular fees, for enrollment part April 14th:
• 650 RON / person for those who HAVE NOT participated in previous climbing camps
• 580 RON / person for those who HAVE participated in previous Vertical Spirit climbing camps
When you sign up, you must pay a 50% advance fee to book your spot – you cannot sign up without paying the advance and filling out the requisite form.
Fees include climbing equipment: harness, climbing shoes, helmet, rope, belay device – there will be no discounts for those who already have their own climbing equipment.
DEADLINE FOR SIGNING UP: 6th of April for Early Bird and 14th of April the final deadline
DETAILS AND SING UP: at the Vertical Spirit Climbing Gym at Baicului or by e-mail to Roxana Anghel.
Roxana Anghel
E-mail: roxana@verticalspirit.ro
Phone: 0785.211.960