VertiBLOCK & Open BLOCK Final, November 2019
Open BLOCK & VertiBLOCK FINAL 2019
Date: November 30, 2019
Routesetter: Oliver Batar
VertiBLOCK FINAL, 7:00 pm
- the first 6 men and women will qualify to the finals (according to the cumulative stage rankings)
- 3 problems / category, onsight, with route preview
- bonus holds will also get points
- isolation opens at 18:00 and closes at 18:30
OPEN BLOCK: 10.00 – 5.00 pm
- 10 redpoint problems with grades between 5c and 7a
- each problem will have a score, depending on its grade. To be considered at all a problem must be climbed in a maximum of 7 attempts. For eash unsuccessful attempt, 10% of its score is deducted. The maximum score can be obtained by climbing the problem on the first try. For instance, is a problem has a score of 1000 points and is climbed first go, you get 1000 points; if it is completed in the fourth attempt, 100 points are deducted for each unsuccessful try, so the final score will be 700 points.
- anybody can take part if they think their climbing level is appropriate
- VertiBLOCK finalists can also participate, but this will not affect the VertiBLOCK results in any way
- Participation fee: 25 lei (this does not include the gym entrance fee of the gym pass)
The problems set for the final VertiBLOCK stage may be climbed until Monday, 25th November (inclusive).
Before the VertiBLOCK FINAL, we will also give out the GREUceanu and Praslea cel Voinic 2019 prizes!
We’re looking forward to seeing you!